Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Off to 1st grade she goes!!

Last week, my baby started first grade!  Those of you who know me knew that kindergarten was SUPER HARD for me.  She had been with me everyday since birth, and I suddenly had to take her to an unfamiliar place, drop her off with unfamiliar people, and have zero control over her day to day experiences...not good for this control freak mama!  Ben and I were in the process of selling our house, so we weren't in the school zone we wanted to be in, so we decided to put her in a private christian school for her first year of school.  It was a half day program, and it was a smaller environment.  I cried for weeks...she loved it.

This year should have been easier for me, but it was much, MUCH harder for some reason.  We sold our house this summer and moved into a great school zone.  Charli and I took a tour of the school this summer. The school was terrific!  It had great facilities and a very friendly staff.  We left there registered and ready for first grade!  We waited eagerly on our letter telling us who her teacher would be.  When we finally got it, we found our her teacher would be Mrs. Scott.  We immediately went to the school's website to look for her picture or bio, and found nothing.  She wasn't listed on the first grade page.  In fact, the only Mrs. Scott in the whole school was a 3rd grade teacher and she was not pictured.  Again, the control freak in me freaked out, only a little! ;)

Anyways, we met Mrs. Scott at open house the Sunday before school started and we love her.  I knew immediately she was going to be great for Charli.  I can't wait to get to know her better! 

Okay, so here are the pictures from her first day!

Being a teacher, I love to get gifts...so, we figured her teacher would too!  Thanks pinterest for this super cute idea!
 "Soda" lighted you're my teacher!

She came into the kitchen clapping because she was so excited! :)

Waiting patiently on Mrs. Scott.

Sitting at her desk waiting on me to leave!

 She had a great first week of school, but that doesn't make me worry about her any less.  I pray that she will be a shining light at that school.  That she will share her love for and knowledge of the Lord with all those she comes in contact with!

....man, I love that girl! :)

1 comment:

  1. She is one cute first grader! It was hard on me taking Carson to kindergarten this year - he still seems so little! So, I'm feeling your pain ;)
    Oh, and that's a really good teacher gift idea!
