Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to School!

So, since I was 5 years old, I knew I wanted to be a teacher.  There was the occasional hope of becoming a "walmart check-out lady" in the elementary school years, but other than that, my goal has not changed.  Anyways, as soon as I graduated high school, I took a job teaching preschool while going to college, and I haven't made a career change since.  In 2008, Rebekah and I decided to open our own preschool.  Since then, I haven't taught my own classroom.  Last year, I took over a classroom for a few months after a teacher resigned, but I haven't had my own room in a very long time.  Well, this year I felt led to get back in the classroom, and since one of our pre-k teachers moved out of town, I decided it was a perfect opportunity!  (We miss you, Kristen! )
We have three preschool (4 year old) classes this year, and I am teaching with some highly talented, very creative, wonderful ladies.  While watching them plan for the new school year, and seeing all the awesome ideas they had come up with, I realized I needed to get cracking on some cute ideas for the class!! 
I decided to go with a hollywood/movie theme in my classroom.  I like it, the kids like it, and hopefully I won't want to change it in a few weeks!  Ha!

My circle time area...My classroom theme each week is a different book.   
August is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, & Rainbow Fish.
 Any suggestions for next month?

The Backstage Reading Lounge
This is where we will have our reading groups when we start them. 
For now, it is one of our learning center rotations!

My spin on a Pinterest birthday display

My Job Board

My class rules.  We emphasize the Don't Whine rule everyday! Hehe!

And the dreaded time-out spot!

Okay, okay, so I can't take credit for the was all pinterest.  (BTW if you don't have a pinterest account, you should get one!)  I just put my hollywood spin on it! 
So, it is a cute classroom, if I do say so myself!  My goal for the year is to...obviously...teach the children the things necessary for survival in kindergarten, but mostly to teach these young minds about the love and mercy of my God.  I will only have them for a short time, but I want to make sure at the end of that time, that I am able to share with them as much as I can about Him.  I pray daily that I will display God's love in my life, and that will shine through to them.  Will you help me in that prayer?


  1. Your classroom looks so good! Thank goodness for pinterest, huh? It was hard to recognize it at first! I miss y'all!

  2. Wow! Looks great!! Talley sure is missing you guys, but enjoying Kindergarten at the same time!! Look out, Mary Ella will be invading one of ya'lls classrooms before we know it!!

  3. What a cool idea to do a movie theme. When you say your classroom theme each week is a different book what do you mean? Can you explain? :-)
